Top 500+ Crow Names: Unique, Funny, and Famous Ideas

Crows are intelligent, mysterious, and full of personality. Whether you have a pet crow or just love these fascinating birds, finding the perfect name can be exciting. From funny to legendary names, there’s something for …

Crows are intelligent, mysterious, and full of personality. Whether you have a pet crow or just love these fascinating birds, finding the perfect name can be exciting. From funny to legendary names, there’s something for every crow lover.

Looking for a unique name that stands out? Maybe something witty, spooky, or inspired by mythology? This list of 500+ crow names will help you find the perfect match for your feathered friend!

Interesting Facts About Crows

Crows are among the smartest birds in the world. Here are some incredible facts about them:

  • Crows recognize human faces and can remember if someone was kind or threatening.
  • They are excellent problem solvers and use tools to get food.
  • Crows hold grudges and can even warn other crows about dangerous humans.
  • They have a complex language, with different caws meaning different things.
  • Crows mourn their dead and gather around fallen companions.
  • They play games and enjoy fun activities like sliding down snow-covered roofs.
  • Crows imitate sounds, including human voices, just like parrots.
  • A group of crows is called a murder, adding to their spooky reputation.
  • Crows form strong family bonds and often stay with their parents for years.
  • They are adaptable birds and can thrive in almost any environment, from cities to forests.

How to Choose a Good Crow Name?

Choosing the perfect name for a crow depends on its appearance, personality, and behavior. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Personality – If your crow is playful, a name like Jester or Mischief fits well.
  • Color and Appearance – Dark-themed names like Obsidian or Midnight suit their black feathers.
  • Mythology and Legends – Crows have deep cultural roots, so names like Odin (Norse mythology) or Yatagarasu (Japanese three-legged crow) add meaning.
  • Famous Crows – Names inspired by pop culture like Maleficent’s Raven (Diaval) or Edgar (Poe’s Raven) are great choices.
  • Funny and Playful Names – If you want humor, go for names like Crowbi-Wan Kenobi or Cawzilla.

Top Crow Names

Crows are known for their intelligence and adaptability. Here are some top crow names that capture their unique personalities:

Top NameMeaningTop NameMeaning
ShadowDark and mysteriousRavenClassic and sleek
MidnightAs dark as the nightJetFast and bold
OnyxNamed after the black gemstoneObsidianSharp and strong
NoirFrench for “black”EclipseDark yet powerful
StormUnpredictable and fiercePhantomSilent and stealthy
AshRepresents dusk and dawnCoalBlack like burning coal
SableElegant and darkVortexSwirling and mysterious
SalemWitches’ favorite birdMysticFull of secrets
TalonStrong and sharpHexMagical and enchanting
DuskThe color of twilightVelvetSoft but mysterious

Funny Crow Names

If you want a crow name with humor, these will make you smile!

Funny NameMeaningFunny NameMeaning
CawcawMimics the sound of crowsBeakyHas a big personality
SquawkLoves to make noiseSir Caws-a-LotTalks all the time
PeckyAlways pecking at thingsFlapjackFlaps around like crazy
QuothInspired by Poe’s ravenNevermoreClassic spooky reference
ShadyAlways lurking aroundSnoopCurious about everything
HitchcockNamed after The BirdsPoecrowA poetic, mysterious bird
GoblinMischievous and playfulClumsyNot the most graceful flyer
SpookyHas a Halloween vibeWings McFlyFast and stylish
CorneliusA fancy, noble crow nameNuggetSmall but full of personality
FeatherbrainA little forgetful but funEddyLoves to follow the wind

Cute Crow Names

If your crow is adorable, these cute names will suit them perfectly!

Cute NameMeaningCute NameMeaning
BooSmall and spookyCocoShort and sweet
PeepSoft little soundsTotoPlayful and fun
ZippyFull of energyTikiTiny and lively
SnickersAlways making you laughPuffSoft and cuddly
DoodleCute and quirkyMomoSimple and adorable
PixieA magical little crowNibblesLoves to peck around
FifiFancy and elegantBlinkyAlways looking around
BubblesFun and full of lifeWigglesAlways moving around
ChirpyTalks a lotSqueakyMakes tiny noises

Famous Crow Names

Famous Crow Names

These names are inspired by famous crows and ravens from history, mythology, and pop culture.

Famous NameMeaningFamous NameMeaning
HuginnOdin’s thought messengerMuninnOdin’s memory messenger
PoeNamed after Edgar Allan PoeNevermoreFrom The Raven poem
DiavalMaleficent’s loyal crowEric DravenFrom The Crow movie
MagicInspired by supernatural powersBranCeltic god associated with crows
VelcrowA clever punMerlinaFamous Tower of London raven
BlackbeakPirate-inspired nameStormcrowGandalf’s nickname
CorvusLatin for “crow”BoreasNamed after a Greek wind god
AnzuMythological storm birdShaniHindu god linked to crows

Cool Raven Names

Ravens are mysterious and majestic. These cool names reflect their power.

Cool Raven NameMeaningCool Raven NameMeaning
ReaperDark and ominousErebusGreek god of darkness
VoidEmptiness and mysteryNyxGoddess of the night
NocturneNight musicStormFierce and unpredictable
ObsidianDark, glossy stoneTalonSharp and strong
PhantomHaunting and elusiveEclipseCelestial and powerful
ShadeMoves like a shadowOmenA sign of fate
BlazeDark but fieryZephyrSoft and mysterious wind
DracoLatin for “dragon”MysticFull of magic

Read More:500+ Sheep Names: Cute, Funny, and Unique Ideas for Your Flock

Clever Names for Crows

Crows are highly intelligent, so they deserve clever and witty names!

Clever NameMeaningClever NameMeaning
BrainyA genius birdSmartyAlways solving problems
EchoMimics soundsNewtonNamed after Isaac Newton
ProfessorLooks wise and knowingRiddleAlways mysterious
OracleSees the futureCipherA mystery to solve
SageWise and intelligentLogicAlways thinking ahead
PonderDeep in thoughtQuizFull of tricky questions
ScoutObservant and sharpWitSmart and quick-thinking
EnigmaA puzzle to solvePuzzleLoves mind games

Pop Culture Crow and Raven Names

Crows and ravens have made their mark in movies, books, mythology, and folklore. Here are some famous pop culture-inspired names:

Pop Culture NameMeaningPop Culture NameMeaning
HuginnOdin’s thought messengerMuninnOdin’s memory messenger
PoeInspired by Edgar Allan PoeNevermoreFrom The Raven poem
DiavalMaleficent’s loyal ravenEric DravenThe Crow movie character
StormcrowGandalf’s nicknameRavenFrom Teen Titans
Black PhillipEvil goat with crow-like eyesVelcrowA clever pun
MalphasDemon in the form of a crowAnzuBabylonian storm bird
MerlinaFamous Tower of London ravenBeakyFrom The Beano comics
ShadowInspired by American GodsHexMagical and enchanting
BranCeltic god associated with crowsCorvusLatin for “crow”
ShaniHindu deity linked to crowsBoreasMythological wind god

Pet Crow Names by Gender

When naming your pet crow, consider whether it has a bold, playful, or mysterious personality. Below, you’ll find separate male and female name lists, each with their own meanings.

Names for Male Crows

Male crows often have a strong, bold, or mysterious personality. Here are some great male crow names:

Male Crow NameMeaningMale Crow NameMeaning
MidnightAs dark as the nightJetFast and bold
OnyxNamed after the black gemstoneObsidianSharp and strong
NoirFrench for “black”EclipseDark yet powerful
StormUnpredictable and fiercePhantomSilent and stealthy
AshRepresents dusk and dawnCoalBlack like burning coal
SableElegant and darkVortexSwirling and mysterious
SalemWitches’ favorite birdMysticFull of secrets
TalonStrong and sharpHexMagical and enchanting
DuskThe color of twilightVelvetSoft but mysterious
ReaperDark and ominousShadeMoves like a shadow

Names for Female Crows

Female crows can be elegant, mysterious, or playful. Here are some perfect names:

Female Crow NameMeaningFemale Crow NameMeaning
LunaInspired by the moonNyxGoddess of the night
MystiqueFull of mysteryNocturneMusic of the night
EclipseCelestial and powerfulRavennaDark and royal
ShadowAlways lurkingZephyrSoft and mysterious wind
SalemLinked to witchesVelvetSmooth and dark
NoirFrench for blackObsidianA dark gemstone
FableStorytelling and magicVesperEvening star
EchoMimics soundsSableDeep black color
StormyFierce and untamedOracleSees the future
HexaShort for “Hex”SorchaMysterious and bright

Crow Names in Mythology

Crows appear in mythology and folklore from cultures around the world. Here are some legendary crow names with deep meanings:

Mythological Crow NameMeaningMythological Crow NameMeaning
HuginnOdin’s thought messengerMuninnOdin’s memory messenger
BranCeltic god linked to crowsMorriganIrish war goddess
AnzuMesopotamian storm birdShaniHindu deity linked to crows
CorvusLatin for “crow”BoreasMythological wind god
MalphasDemon in crow formVelcrowClever crow pun
RohitIndian mythology crowNergalMesopotamian god of war
QuothFrom The Raven poemNevermoreA classic Poe reference
StormcrowGandalf’s nicknameDiavalMaleficent’s raven
RavenFrom Norse and Celtic mythsEric DravenThe Crow movie hero
MerlinaFamous Tower of London ravenOmenSymbol of fate and magic

Names for Crows by Culture

Names for Crows by Culture

Crows hold a deep cultural significance across the world. In Native American traditions, they symbolize wisdom and transformation. In Indian culture, they are seen as messengers of ancestors.

Meanwhile, Japanese folklore portrays crows as divine protectors. Below, we explore crow names from different cultures.

Native American Crow Names

Native American tribes often view crows as guardians, tricksters, and wise beings. Here are some crow-inspired names from Native American traditions:

Native American Crow NameMeaningNative American Crow NameMeaning
AhanuHe laughsTakodaFriend to all
WayaWolf spiritChenoaWhite dove
KokoNightPetaGolden eagle
YumaSon of the chiefDakotaFriendly ally
TivaDanceOmahaAgainst the wind
HaniaSpirit warriorMisuRippling water
AhyokaShe brought happinessShilahBrother
MikaWise raccoonPakwaFrog

Indian Crow Names

In Indian culture, crows are messengers between the living and ancestors. They also represent intelligence and problem-solving skills.

Indian Crow NameMeaningIndian Crow NameMeaning
KagaCrow in HindiRohitRising sun
ShaniHindu deity linked to crowsKalaBlack, dark
KetuLunar shadow demonPavanWind
DronaMaster of wisdomBhanuSunlight
TamasDarknessIndraKing of gods
VarunLord of the skyChayaShadow
MeghCloudNeelBlue, vast like the sky
VayuGod of windSuryaSun god
DhruvUnshakable starAgniFire
JeevanLifeKiranRay of light

Japanese Crow Names

In Japanese mythology, crows are symbols of guidance and divine protection. The three-legged crow, Yatagarasu, is a legendary figure.

Japanese Crow NameMeaningJapanese Crow NameMeaning
YatagarasuThree-legged crowKarasuJapanese word for crow
TenguCrow-like spiritRaijinGod of thunder
HikaruShining lightSoraSky
RikkaSnow flowerShiroWhite
TenmaCelestial horseTaiyoSun
SuzumeSparrow, bird-related nameAkumuNightmare
HikariRadianceRinCold, dignified

Good and Unique Crow Names

If you’re looking for something rare, creative, and unique, here are 20 special crow names to consider.

Unique NameMeaningUnique NameMeaning
NoirFrench for “black”ObsidianDark gemstone
EclipseCelestial eventDaggerSharp and sleek
MysticFull of secretsVortexSwirling force
HexMagical and powerfulRogueWild and free
SalemWitchy and darkPhantomGhostly figure
OnyxDeep black stoneRavennaElegant and dark
DuskTwilight skyVelvetSmooth, mysterious
ReaperSymbol of fateOracleKnows the unknown
FableStorytelling and magicShadeMoves in shadows
SableDeep black colorStormyFierce and untamed

A-Z Crow Names

Want a full list of crow names? Here’s an A-Z selection with meanings!

A-Z Crow NameMeaningA-Z Crow NameMeaning
AshLike burnt woodBoreasMythical wind god
CorvusLatin for crowDiavalMaleficent’s raven
EchoMimics soundsFableA legendary tale
GrimDark and eerieHexMagical power
InkAs dark as nightJetFast and mysterious
KuroBlack in JapaneseLunaMoonlight-inspired
MidnightTime of darknessNyxGoddess of the night
OmenSymbol of fatePhantomGhostly figure
QuothFrom The RavenRogueA rule-breaker
SalemWitchcraft townTalonSharp and fierce
UmbraShadowy figureVesperEvening star
WraithMysterious spiritXenonRare and unique
YoruNight in JapaneseZephyrGentle breeze

Additional Naming Tips

Picking the right name for a crow is important. Here are some extra tips to help:

  • Keep it short and simple – A name with one or two syllables is easier for training and bonding.
  • Observe their behavior – Watch how your crow acts before deciding on a name.
  • Try saying it aloud – A name should sound natural when calling your crow.
  • Be creative – Don’t be afraid to mix words or create a unique name.
  • Consider cultural significance – Some names carry deep meanings in mythology and folklore.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is the best name for a pet crow?

The best name depends on your crow’s personality. Popular choices include Raven, Shadow, Echo, and Jet.

Can crows learn their names?

Yes! Crows are intelligent birds and can recognize their names when repeatedly called.

What are some funny crow names?

Funny crow names include Cawzilla, Crowbi-Wan Kenobi, Beakman, and Dr. Caw.

Are crows a symbol of good or bad luck?

In many cultures, crows are seen as symbols of wisdom and transformation, but in others, they represent omens.

How do I bond with my pet crow?

To bond with a crow, offer food, treats, and positive interactions. Over time, they will recognize and trust you.


Crows are fascinating, intelligent, and full of personality. Naming them can be a fun and meaningful experience, especially when considering their behavior, culture, and symbolism

Whether you choose a mystical, funny, or famous name, the most important thing is that it fits your crow’s unique character.Do you have a favorite crow name? Let us know in the comments! 😊

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